Bloodborne Pathogens for Healthcare Workers
The goal of this course is to assist healthcare workers minimize the possibility of exposure to blood borne pathogens.
Expected Completion Time: 20 minutes
Requirement References:
• 29 CFR 1910.1030 Blood borne Pathogens
• 29 CFR 1910.1030 App A – Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination (Mandatory)
• OSHA Fact Sheet 02/01/1993. Most frequently asked questions concerning the Blood borne pathogen standard.
• OSHA Fact Sheet 92-46 US Department of Labor, Blood borne Pathogen Final Standard: Summary of Key Provisions
• OSHA 3128 Blood borne Pathogens and Acute Care Facilities, 1992
• CDC Personnel Health Guidelines, Part II Recommendations for prevention of infections in healthcare personnel, June 1998. CDC: Preventing occupational HIV transmission to healthcare workers, June 1998
• DHHS (NIOSH) Healthcare Worker Guidelines, Publication # 88-119, September 1998
• Johns Hopkins Medical HIV Report: Volume 8, Number 2, July, 1996
• JCAHO Proposed Revisions to Standards for Improving Organizational Performance, December 1997.
• Describe the incidence of blood borne pathogen diseases among healthcare workers and in the population at large.
• Identify the hazards of contact with body fluids that may contain blood borne pathogens.
• Identify how infection control work practices and hospital engineering controls are used to prevent contact with blood borne pathogens.
• Identify the minimum parts of an exposure control plan.
• Identify general actions to follow in response to emergencies involving blood and how to handle exposure incidents.
• Identify the training and record keeping requirements necessary for hospitals to meet the blood borne pathogen standards set by OSHA and JCAHO.